Sat 04 Jan
I PrOmIsE you WILL enjoy MY companionship;)# READY WHEN YOU R# - 19
(Oklahoma City, Okc&All; Surroundings)
)))))))) Get it up and ill knock it down! ((((((( - 24
(Oklahoma City, se i 35 and 82nd,surrounding)
HaPpY NeW YeArS SpeCiAl$: MERCEDE$ 405-881-6181 Up ALL NitE FeLLa$ **BoNiFiEd PRO!!! - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC I-40 & Meridian /Outcalls available)
GLUTES *❤*and *❤* INNER *❤* Thighs*❤* are *❤* my **SPECIALTY 11am til 9pm - 28
(Oklahoma City, N. MACARTHUR)
Fun! —— ★ —— TAN → BUSTY →CALIFORNIA → BLONDE →BOMBSHELL —— ★ —— Friendly - 23
(Oklahoma City, Your Place or Mine!!!)
CHERRIE LOVE ★ _ T H _ ☆ _ P R F C T _ ☆ _ C H O I C _ ★ - 27
(Oklahoma City, All Over OKC / Incall Outcall)
💋💋💗~~*! Come enjoy a " Divine" experience.... 100 Donation special !*~~ 💗💋💋 - 20
(Oklahoma City, OKC Metro (( Incall/Outcall specials )))
$Cassie$ HoT bUsTyY bLoNdIEe$come try my amazing incall SpEcIaLs$ specials !! - 24
(Oklahoma City, SOUth WEST OKC)
As reviewed , 34d of Pure Pleasure! Specials today only! 100 specials - 32
(Okla City, Oklahoma City)
$60NeW PiCs•°oO (•♥•) ( ExOtic CuTie ) •°oO (•♥•) Oo °BIG BOOTY BeAuTy°oO (•♥•)$60 - 24
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALLS & INCALLS)
★▄★▄ AMAzING ▄▄ SPeCIALS ▄▄▄ SUPeR ▄▄▄ SExY ▄▄▄SUPER ▄▄▄FREaKY ▄★▄★ °°^°° Ask Bout Specials °°^°° - 23
(Oklahoma City, S. okc i-35)
*** A L L N A T U R A L *** °★° ___O_N _E___ ___i_N__ __A__ __M_i_L_ L_i_O_N___ - 18
(Oklahoma City, okc)
45 Experienced hot Cougar!! New!SPECIALS 405 574_0678 photos ARE reall - 45
(Oklahoma City, se 44 and sheilds)
405-474-5580 Get your week started right with Teagan Xx ask about specials Xx - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc area)
——— █ ——————— I——AM ————— ONE ————— IN A MILLION————— █ ——————— - 23
(Midland / Odessa, yEs.YeS.yEs.YeS.yEs.YeS. just for you!)
MISTRESS MAY........Y....O.....U ???????????????.......... LOTS of TOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 35
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (*A* -D- *D* - I - *C* -T- *I* -V- *E - 20
(North Jersey, NEWARK AIRPORT)
*** Back by Popular Demand Sassys Early Bird Specials until 12 Noon Today 60/hr - 33
(where you want to escape to)
***Addicting *** Curvy*** Open Minded * A True Southern Beauty *** New Pic *** Great Specials - 33
(central ark)
*** Addicting Playful dd s ***,a true southern beauty ** specials all day long - 33
(where you want to escape to)
☞ Is Chivalry dead?!? Alpha Female ISO those interested in exploring a LTR Female Led Relationship - 35
(Lexington, Louisville, Louisville KY, willing to relocate)
100 thurs special Blonde BOMBshell dont waste ur honey on no other bunny - 20
(North Jersey, Secaucus harmon meadows off ROUTE 3)
✦ —— ★Ultimate ★EROTIC ★ExxPERiENCe ★BIG B.O.O.T.Y★Athletic FiGURE★ERITREAN★ BeauTy ★—— - 24
(East, Las Vegas, OutCalls 🏨 InCall East Las Vegas)
__________ Jessica Taylor _____ ______ FINALLY HERE__________ New Elite Provider________ ______ - 24
Banana🍌Split👠Ent Strippers 860-372-6547 We bring the STRIP-CLUB to you! Last min we are available - 28
(all of CT 860-372-6547, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven)
80💰💰💅💄SpEcIaLs★☆ come and visit Brittany A ₩omen you will never FoRgEt or ReGrEt - 22
(Winston / Salem, winston salem in/outcall only)
▀▀▀▀▀▀ I BEEN A VERY BAD GIRL ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ████ DADD.¥ ████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ I NEED A GOOD SPANKING ▀▀▀▀▀▀ - 25
(Nashville, I24 In LaVergne - $80 Spec Leaving Soon)
The Kinky, Sweet, Discreet,🙊🙉🙈 Taboo ASIAN GODDESS & MISTRESS you seek. 🚬🚽💸💳🔐🔛🔝🙌🙇👇👠🎯 - 19
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FETISH Ready , MOUTHWATERING , Super HOTT Blonde! ♥ WATCH MY VIDEO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 25
(west boca raton (fetish), West Palm Beach)
$$$ Recession SPECIALS $$ SUPER HOT Sexy KINKY Freaky Nasty Nympho All you could ever want and MORE! - 43
_S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* - _C_L_I_C_K * H_E_R_E_* 4T_H_E* B_E_S_T * - 21
(Las Vegas, OUT CALL ,TO YOU!)
REAL PH0T0S and VIDE0 ▬▬▬ all NATURAL BL0NDE with 36dds ▬▬▬ N0T LAW ENF0RCEMENT ▬▬ with REVIEWS - 27
(Las Vegas, reviewed blonde // in out strip locals, The Strip)
***New in town HOTt freaky** sexi mixx latina...come have a *¢ - 24
(Westchester, Yonkers, tackahoe rd)
(ViSiTiNg)) _______ (NeW) ____________ (BLoNDE) ____________ (HoTTiiE) ___________ (( SpEciALs)) - - 28
(Tucson, i10 and st marys)
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
85 Early morning SPECIALS * Beautiful latina, ~~{ Real pictures ,,, no games ,,, Lets play - 24
(Lansing, southside)
°°°°°°°°°° pLaYtime •••••••••• WitH °°°°°°°°°°° kEnDaLL™ ••••••••••• LetS pLaY °°° - 23
(La Crosse, lacrosse)